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General information: General information tab

Currency conversion rate

Some invoice models feature currency conversion. To configure the conversion rate used on these invoices, follow the instructions below.

  1. On the General information tab of the General information window, enter the conversion rate in the Rate field.
  2. Select the Diskette button to save.
  3. Restart GEM-CAR 14.

Hourly rate on invoices

To display hourly rates on invoices, follow the instructions below.

  1. On the General information tab of the General information window, enter the hourly rate in the Disp. hourly rate field. The value will appear on invoices except if you set it to zero (0). In this case, the hourly rate will not show.
  2. Select the Diskette button to save.

Limit invoicing to anterior dates

To limit how far in the past an invoice can be made, follow the instructions below.

  1. On the General information tab of the General information window, enter the maximum number of days in the Do not allow invoicing beyond this number of days in the past field.
  2. Select the Diskette button to save.

Work steps

To configure the Proposed and rescheduled and Back order work steps, follow the instructions below.

  1. On the General information tab of the General information window, enter the steps in the Proposed and rescheduled and Back order fields. You can also retrieve them by selecting the Magnifying glass buttons next to these fields.
  2. Select the Diskette button to save.

Walk-in customer

To configure the walk-in customer, follow the instructions below.

  1. On the General information tab of the General information window, enter -1 in the Walk-in customer code field.
  2. Enter WALK-IN in the Walk-in customer name field.
  3. Select the Diskette button to save.

Default area code, city and province or state

To configure the default area code, city and province or state, follow the instructions below.

  1. On the General information tab of the General information window, select the button next to the Area code field. This will populate the Area code and the City fields based on the information configured for your company.
  2. Select the Diskette button to save.

Customize the inventory items color code

To customize the inventory items color code, follow the instructions below.

  1. On the General information tab of the General information window, select the Magnifying glass buttons next to the inventory item events.
  2. Select a Color and then OK.
  3. Back to the General information window, select the Diskette button to save.