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Walk-in customers

In this how-to, you will find the information about the walk-in customer feature. Some customers might not always require to have a profile in GEM-CAR. Consequently, the walk-in customer should be used for sales for punctual visits. Follow the instructions detailed in the next subsections to configure and use the walk-in customer feature in the Point of sale.

Configuration of the walk-in customer

Follow the steps below to configure the walk-in customer.

  1. Add a new customer profile in the Customer management window entering -1 in the Cust. No. field and WALK-IN in the Name field.
  2. Disable the customer’s vehicle in the Customer management window under the Vehicle maintenance tab. img
  3. Configure the walk-in customer in General-information configuration window under the General-information tab.

Use the walk-in customer feature in the Point of sale

Follow the steps below to use the walk-in customer feature in the Point of sale.

  1. Start creating an estimate.
  2. When entering the customer number in the Client field, enter -1 and hit tab.
  3. Overwrite the customer name.
  4. Continue creating the estimate normally.