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Transactions with suppliers

Configuration of payment methods for suppliers

To avoid problems in case of mistakes, contact you accountant and backup you data before doing this configuration.

Before making payments to suppliers, follow the steps below to configure payment methods.

  1. From the GEM-CAR *Main menu, go to Accounting > General ledger*.
  2. In the GL accounts maintenance window, click on the + button.
  3. Enter the ledger number for the financial institution in the Ledger No field. To make financial audit easier, we recommend using 3 or 4-digit numbers (in the 100 and 1000). Please verify this information with your accountant.
  4. Enter a description for the payment method in the Description field.
  5. Check the Bank box. This will make this payment method available as a payment method when you make a payment or issue a check for a supplier.
  6. Click on the diskette button to save.

Once a payment method has been created, you can click on its name in the list of ledgers, modify the information if necessary and click on the diskette button to save the modifications. You will also see two new fields appear, Next cheque # and Next deposit#, in which you can enter the next check or deposit number that will be created when making the next payment.

Make payments to suppliers or print checks

Complete payment

To make complete payments to suppliers or print checks, follow the steps below.

  1. From the GEM-CAR Main menu, go to Supplier Management > Recording payments or click on the $ button in the Invoice entry window.
  2. From the Payment inscription window, enter the supplier number in the Supplier # field or search for it by clicking on the magnifying glass button.
  3. In the list, select the invoices to pay by checking the boxes on the left.
  4. Click on the Accept button.
  5. From the Print a check window, select the payment method and the financial institution using the Bank drop-down menu.
  6. Enter a date in the Date field.
  7. Keep or change the check number in the Number field.
  8. Click on the Accept button (green checkmark) to print the check or send the payment electronically.

Partial payments

To make partial payments, for each invoice on the list, you can overwrite the amounts in the To pay column by double-clicking on them and entering the partial amounts. The total mounts to be paid and unpaid balances will then be adjusted accordingly.


To apply discounts, for each invoice on the list, you can double-click and enter amounts in the Discount column. You can also apply discounts with percentages. To do so, follow the steps below.

  1. Select all the invoices on the list for which you want to apply the same discount percentage.
  2. Enter the discount percentage in the Discount % field.
  3. If the discount applies before applicable taxes, select the Before taxes option.
  4. If the discount applies after applicable taxes, select the Complete option.
  5. Click on the Generate rebate button.

Partial payments and discounts for versions 13.0.1 and anterior

With GEM-CAR version 13.0.2, we fixed a problem that made it impossible to apply discounts on partial payments. With versions 13.0.1 and anterior, you therefore had to issue two checks when you wished to make partial payments:

  • a first check for the partial payments without a discount; and
  • a second one for the complete payments with the discount.

To issue these two checks, you can refer to the detailed procedures for complete and partial payments and on applying discounts in the sections above.

Select the month option

You can select all invoices for a given month by entering the month and the year and clicking on the Select the month button. GEM-CAR will then select all the invoices for you.

Pay suppliers invoices with the cash drawer

You can create categories and products for items to be paid with the cash drawer. Such items could be stamps or restaurants, for example. To do so, follow the steps below.

  1. Verify that the cash drawer is activated and, if it is not, activate it.
  2. Follow these guidelines to create a category and products to be paid with the cash drawer in your inventory: suggested category number: 060, category type: Memos and category description: NON-INVENTORY ITEMS.
  3. Make a quick payment with petty cash using one of these inventory items for the cash drawer.

Make a quick payment of an invoice

Once an invoice has been sent to payables, a new feature in GEM-CAR version 13.0.3 permits you to make a quick payment to a supplier from the Receive parts with invoices window. Follow the steps below in order to do so.

  1. From the Point of sale, right-click on the Purchases button and select Display reception window.
  2. From the Receive parts with invoices window, click on the magnifying glass button beside the Reference: (D. Slip or Inv. No.) field and retrieve the invoice to be paid.
  3. Once the invoice is showing onscreen, click on the Payments button.
  4. The Payment inscription window will appear and all the relevant invoices will automatically be checked. Apply a discount if applicable and click on the Accept button to complete the transaction.

Quick payment with petty cash

Alternatively, while making a quick payment to suppliers, you can use the petty cash. To do so, at step 3 of the above tutorial, click on the Petty cash button.

If the petty cash has not been activated and configured, the Petty cash button will not be available.

Reprint checks

If you need to reprint checks, follow the steps below.

  1. From the GEM-CAR Main menu, go to Supplier management > Reprint a cheque.
  2. In the Print a cheque window, enter the check number in the Number field.
  3. Click on the Accept button (green checkmark) to print the check.

Find a check number

You can find a check number in the Invoice entry window accessible via Supplier Management > Invoice entry.

Cancel a check

If you need to cancel checks, follow the steps below.

  1. From the GEM-CAR Main menu, go to Supplier management > Cancel a cheque.
  2. In the Cancel a cheque window, enter the check number in the Number field.
  3. Click on the Accept button (green checkmark) to print the check.

Find a check number

You can find a check number in the Invoice entry window accessible via Supplier Management > Invoice entry.