Punch clock
To open the Punch clock, go to Punch clock in the GEM-CAR 14 Main menu.
You can also open it from the Point of sale by selecting the Punch clock button.
Manually manage punches from the Advisor window
When needed, advisors can manually add, edit or delete punches in the Punch clock. To do so, follow the instructions in the subsections below.
Manually add punches
To manually add punches in the Punch clock's Advisor window, follow the instructions below.
- In the Punch Clock, select the Display Advisor Window button.
- Enter a technician number in the Technician field or retrieve it using the Magnifying glass button next to this field.
- Select the + button.
- Enter the work order or job number in the WO # or Job # field or retrieve it using the Magnifying glass buttons next to these fields.
- Enter the start and end times in the Start and End fields.
- Enter the date in the Punch date field.
- Select the Diskette button to save.
Manually edit punches
To manually edit punches in the Punch clock's Advisor window, follow the instructions below.
- In the Punch Clock, select the Display Advisor Window button.
- Enter a technician number in the Technician field or retrieve it using the Magnifying glass buttons next to this field.
- Select a punch on the list.
- Edit the information in the fields.
- Select the Diskette button to save.
Manually delete punches
To manually delete punches in the Punch clock's Advisor window, follow the instructions below.
- In the Punch Clock, select the Display Advisor Window button.
- Enter a technician number in the Technician field or retrieve it using the Magnifying glass buttons next to this field.
- Select a punch on the list.
- Select the - button.
- Confirm the deletion.
Tech time report
If Option 113 is enabled in the GEM-CAR settings, you can generate the Tech time report directly from the Punch Clock which details the time and costs for technicians. You can print the report from the Labor window or, since GEM-CAR 14 version 13.0.3, from the Advisor window.
Labor window
To print the Tech time report from the Labor window of the Punch clock, follow the instructions below.
- In the Punch Clock, enter a technician number in the Technician field or retrieve it using the Magnifying glass button next to this field.
- Hover the mouse over the Bill, Plan or Real fields.
- In the Technician’s statistics window, select the Printer button.
Advisor window
Since GEM-CAR 14 version 13.0.3, to print the Tech time report from the Advisor window of the Punch clock, follow the instructions below .
- In the Punch Clock, select the Display Advisor Window button.
- Enter a technician number in the Technician field or retrieve it using the Magnifying glass button next to this field.
- Select Tech time report in the drop-down menu.
- Select the Printer button.