Work steps
In this user manual, you will find the information on how to use work steps in the Point of sale. GEM-CAR has a built-in work step feature that can be used to classify documents. Classifying estimates and invoices into work steps according to their status allows you to efficiently manage processes. Notably, you can:
- validate the number of estimates for each work step;
- calculate the money value of jobs for each work step;
- manage the processes moving from one work step to another;
- automate the sending of reminders to customers;
- send SMSes manually to customers; and
- reserve or keep items in inventory.
Configuration of work steps
You can add, edit or delete the available work steps in the drop-down menu of the Point of sale and change the way they interact for confirmation and with the inventory. To learn more about the configuration of work steps, please visit the following pages:
- Document progression management: Add, edit, and delete work steps and configuration options
- Progression of work steps: Arrange work steps in workflows
- Configuration of the Proposed and rescheduled and Back order steps
Manually assign work steps
Every time you save estimates, they are classified in work steps. To determine in which work step is an estimate loaded in the Point of sale, check on the title of the window.
To manually transfer an estimate to another work step, follow the steps below.
- Select a work step using the drop-down menu below the Transfer to next step button.
- Click on the Transfer to next step button.
- A confirmation pop-up window will show. Answer Yes. This confirmation can be removed by checking the Do not ask the question option when configuring step progression in the Progression of work steps window.
Automatic step transfer when printing work orders
You can program automatic step transfers when printing work orders. To do so, check the After printing work order, automatic transfer the order to this step option box when configuring the work step workflow in the Progression of work steps window.
After this configuration, when clicking on the F11 W/O for printing a work order, the estimate will be transferred to the configured work step without confirmation and the need to save.
Hide prices on proposed and rescheduled estimates
To hide prices on proposed and rescheduled estimates, enable option 128-Hide prices of items in "Proposed and rescheduled".