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Customers’ history

In the Customer history window, you will find useful information about archived customers invoices. While a customer’s profile is loaded in the Point of sale, click on the History button to access this window.

Archived invoices are available through the Customer history window for a period determined in the GEM-CAR general settings. To change this period, follow the steps below.

  1. From the GEM-CAR Main menu, go to Configuration > General information.
  2. From the General information window, select the Option tab.
  3. Enter a numerical value in the Nbr. Months archived invoices field.
  4. Click on the diskette button to save.

Retrieve an invoice from history

All the archived invoices will show on the list. You can search and/or sort them using the Vehicle drop-down menu to select invoices for a specific vehicle. You can also sort the results by date using the From and To fields and then clicking on the green Search for an interval button.

There are also additional search options on the bottom left corner. You can search by:

  • product number using the Prod. # field;
  • license number using the License;
  • description using the Description field; and
  • vehicle number using the Vehicle # field.

Once an invoice is selected, the details will show in the visualization window.

You can open the Documents linked to the invoice window by clicking on the Document linked to the estimate button. From this window, you can manage the documents related to the archived invoices.

Sales summary

You can generate a sales summary report for a vehicle by clicking on the Sales summary by vehicle button.

Hide from history

You can hide invoices from the history by selecting them on the list and then clicking on the Do not display in history button.

If you want a hidden invoice to show back in the history, check the Display all box, select the hidden invoice and click on the Do not display in history button.

Shipping slip

You can open shipping slips related to invoices by clicking on the Shipping slip button.

Purchase order

You can open purchase orders related to invoices by clicking on the Shipping slip button.

Cost per mileage

You can open the Report window to generate a Cost per mileage report by clicking on the Cost per mileage button.

If the odometer (mileage) data was not correct when the invoice was archived, it still can be corrected. This can be useful to increase the Cost per mileage report accuracy. To correct the odometer, select the invoice on the list, double-click on field corresponding to the Odometer column, correct the value and press enter.

Reverse invoices

You can reverse invoices by clicking on the Reverse the invoice button.

Memos and notes

You can visualize memos and notes related to invoices by clicking on the Memo and Note buttons.

Punch clocks

You can visualize the punches of technicians who have worked on vehicles on an invoice. To do so, click on the Punch button.

Display all invoices for a vehicle

You can display all invoices related to a vehicle by clicking on the Display invoices for all customers on this vehicle button. This will bring a list of all invoices related to a vehicle for all customers, not only for the customer’s profile loaded in the Point of sale.

You can print invoices by clicking on the All or Selected printer buttons. The All button will print all invoices in a detailed list format and the Selected button will print the selected invoice in its original format.