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Document progression management

GEM-CAR has a built-in work step feature that can be used to classify documents. Classifying estimates and invoices into work steps according to their status allows you to efficiently manage processes. Notably, you can:

  • validate the number of estimates for each work step;
  • calculate the money value of jobs for each work step;
  • manage the processes moving from one work step to another;
  • automate the sending of reminders to customers;
  • send SMSes manually to customers; and
  • reserve or keep items in inventory.

In the following subsections, you will find the information on how to add, modify and delete work steps. You will also find a description of the available options to configure the work steps.

To access the Document progression management window, from the GEM-CAR Main menu, go to Planning > Document progression management.

Work steps can also be further configured to create cohesive workflows in the Document progression planning window.

Add work steps

To add work steps to GEM-CAR, follow the steps below.

  1. Access the Document progression management window.
  2. Click on the + button.
  3. Configure the step using the fields and option checkboxes.
  4. Click on the diskette button to save.

Edit work steps

To edit work steps in GEM-CAR, follow the steps below.

  1. Access the Document progression management window.
  2. Select a work step on the list.
  3. Configure the step using the fields and option checkboxes.
  4. Click on the diskette button to save.

Delete work steps

To delete work steps from GEM-CAR, follow the steps below.

  1. Access the Document progression management window.
  2. Select a work step on the list.
  3. Click on the - button.
  4. Click on the diskette button to save.

Configuration options

In this subsection, you will find information about configuration fields and checkboxes used when adding or editing work steps.


Enter the work step number in the Number field. Once set, it cannot be changed.


This option is used to identify the work step. Enter a name for the work step it in the Description field.

Reserve parts

In the inventory, items will not be stored on shelves yet. They will be reserved for customers. It reduces your inventory size and makes it easy for you to be sure that you have the items on hand when the customer arrives. This option is ideal for configuring work steps for customer deposits or appointments.

Warn when customer’s vehicle has existing estimates

When selecting a customer in the Point of sale, GEM-CAR will search every estimate contained in the work step, and, if it finds one for this customer, a window showing a list of pending estimates for this customer will appear. This option is then ideal for any work step before invoicing.

Work in progress

When an estimate is in a work-in-progress work step, GEM-CAR will remove the products on this estimate from the inventory. This option is then ideal for a work step for jobs currently undergoing.

Send an SMS for finished work

When an estimate is transferred to a work step with this option enabled, an SMS will is sent to the customer as a notification that the work has been completed. This option is then ideal for a pending invoice work steps.