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General information: Internet resources tab

On the Internet resources tab of the General information window, you can configure the suppliers' web stores that you wish to integrate to GEM-CAR 14 thanks to the GEM-LINK module.

Use suppliers' web stores in GEM-CAR 2022

Since GEM-CAR version 14.0.2, you can open the suppliers' stores in GEM-CAR 2022. The GEM-CAR 14's Point of sale and the GEM-CAR 2022's StoreLink module will then exchange data while you shop. To enable this integration, follow the instructions below. You must perform this configuration for each online store.

  1. In the General Information window, on the Internet resources tab, select the supplier's web store on the list.
  2. Select the GEM-CAR .NET checkbox.
  3. Select the Diskette button to save.