Cash drawer
In this user manual, you will find all the information relative to the GEM-CAR cash drawer. The main difference between using regular transactions or the cash drawer is that regular transactions are linked to customer accounts and ledgers while cash drawer transactions are not. In other words, using the cash drawer will not affect accounting transactions. You can generate a report for details about the transactions, but they will have to be entered manually in your accounting software, if need be.
Activate the cash drawer
To activate the GEM-CAR cash drawer, check Option 29 - Use the cash drawer in the GEM-CAR General information settings.
Configure cash drawers
In this subsection, you will find the information about the configuration of cash drawers. If need be, you can add multiple cash drawers for different advisors or purposes. You can also manage the cash drawers by deleting or editing them.
Cash drawers maintenance
Cash Drawer Management window
To add, delete or edit cash drawers, you need to access the Cash Drawer Management window. To do so, follow the steps of one of the two (2) methods detailed below.
From the Point of sale
- From the Point of sale, click on the Cash drawer button. If it is grayed out, the cash drawer need to be activated.
- From the Cash register window, click on the magnifying glass button adjacent to the Cash Drawer drop-down menu.
From the Payment methods window
- From the GEM-CAR Main menu, go to Accounting > Payment methods.
- From the Payment methods window, click on the Cash drawer button.
Add cash drawers
To add cash drawers, follow the steps below.
- Access the Cash Drawer Management window.
- Click on the + button.
- Enter a numerical value in the Cash Drawer # field. This will determine the order in which cash drawers will appear on the list of available cash drawers.
- Enter a ledger number in the G/L # field or retrieve it using the adjacent magnifying glass button.
- Enter a description of the cash drawer in the Description field.
- Click on the diskette button to save.
Delete cash drawers
To delete cash drawers, follow the steps below.
- Access the Cash Drawer Management window.
- Select a cash drawer on the list.
- Click on the - button.
- Click on the diskette button to save.
Edit cash drawers
To edit cash drawers, follow the steps below.
- Access the Cash Drawer Management window.
- Select a cash drawer on the list.
- Enter a ledger number in the G/L # field or retrieve it using the adjacent magnifying glass button. Any ledger can be used, but we suggest that you use the ledger for the bank which is 000105 by default.
- Enter a description of the cash drawer in the Description field.
- Click on the diskette button to save.
Configure payment methods for the cash drawer
When adding payment methods or editing payment methods, you can allow them to be used by the cash drawers in the Payment methods window.
Use the cash drawer
In this subsection, you will find the information on how to use the cash drawers.
Access cash drawers
To use cash drawers, from the Point of sale, click on the Cash drawer button to access the Cash register window. If it is grayed out, the cash drawer needs to be activated.
Start cash drawers
Start new cash drawers
To start new cash drawers, follow the steps below.
- Access the Cash Register window.
- Select a cash drawer using the Cash Drawer drop-down menu.
- Enter the advisor number in the Advisor field or retrieve it using the adjacent magnifying glass button.
- Click on the + button or hit F5 on the keyboard.
- Enter numerical values in the fields of the Qty. column for each denomination.
- Click on the Start cash drawer or hit F1 on the keyboard.
Start cash drawers from last closure
To start cash drawers from last closure, follow the steps below.
- Access the Cash Register window.
- Select a cash drawer using the Cash Drawer drop-down menu.
- Enter the advisor number in the Advisor field or retrieve it using the adjacent magnifying glass button.
- Click on the + button or hit F5 on the keyboard.
- Click on the Start with last saved values button or hit F2 on the keyboard.
Start empty cash drawers
GEM-CAR will not let you start an empty cash drawer. However, you can use a workaround. Start a new cash drawer with 1 cent ($0.01) and withdraw 1 cent ($0.01) with Opening as the note.
Start cash drawers without detailing denominations
GEM-CAR will not let you start a cash drawer without detailing denominations. However, you can use a workaround. Start a new cash drawer with 1 cent ($0.01) and deposit the total amount in the cash drawer less 1 cent ($0.01) with Opening as the note.
Close cash drawers
Follow the steps below to close cash drawers.
- Access the Cash Register window.
- Select a cash drawer using the Cash Drawer drop-down menu.
- Count the total cash in the cash drawer and detail the denominations in the Qty (quantity) column.
- Click on the Close cash drawer button or hit F10 on the keyboard.
Deposit amounts in cash drawers
Follow the steps below to deposit amounts in cash drawers.
- Access the Cash Register window.
- From the cash register window, select a cash drawer using the Cash Drawer drop-down menu.
- Click on the Add an amount to the cash drawer button or hit F3 on the keyboard.
- When prompted, enter the amount and accept.
- When prompted, enter a note.
- Click on the diskette button to save and return to the Cash register window.
Withdraw amounts from cash drawers
Follow the steps below to withdraw amounts from cash drawers.
- Access the Cash Register window.
- From the cash register window, select a cash drawer using the Cash Drawer drop-down menu.
- Click on the Remove an amount from the drawer button or hit F4 on the keyboard.
- When prompted, enter the amount.
- When prompted, enter a note.
- Click on the diskette button to save the note and return to the Cash register window.
Print balance reports
Follow the steps below to print balance reports for cash drawers. As cash drawer transactions are not registered as accounting transactions, these reports can be useful for manual accounting entries, if need be.
- Access the Cash Register window.
- From the cash register window, select a cash drawer using the Cash Drawer drop-down menu.
- Click on the Print balance report button or hit F11 on the keyboard.
Pay suppliers with the cash drawer
You can make quick payments to suppliers using the cash drawer
Order cash drawers
You can order automatic cash drawers and coupon printers compatible with GEM-CAR on our store.