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Reprint end-of-day

End of day procedures generate reports. You can print them again later in the Reprint end of day window. To open this window, in the GEM-CAR 14 main menu, go to Accounting > Reprint end of day.

Reprint end of day reports

To reprint end of day reports, follow the instructions below.

  1. Enter a period in the Date from and Date to fields.
  2. Select the type of reports: the Receivable end of day report or the Payable end of day report.
  3. The End of day list will appear. Select the days.
  4. Select the options.
  5. Select the print button.

Reprint end of day options

When reprinting end of day reports, follow the guidelines below when selecting the options.

Sales summary: Select this option to include the Sales summary report.

List of invoices: Select this option to include the List of invoices report.

Receipts report: Select this option to include the Receipts report.

Sales and receipts summary: Select this option to include the Sales and receipts summary report.

Sales by advisor report: Select this option to include the Sales by advisor report.

Daily punch clock report: Select this option to include the Punch clock report.

Display graphics: For reports with optional graphics, select this option to include the graphics.

Display report onscreen: Select this option to show the reports onscreen before printing them. They can then be visualized and exported. Otherwise, the reports don't show onscreen and are printed directly.